A.V0map + alpha D T

Function type Instantaneous velocity is a function of a velocity map and time isopach.
Definition of parameters A = constant rescaling factor.
V0map = velocity map.
α = constant acceleration factor.
DT = DT isopach time (automatically computed by UDOMORE® Depth as the difference between the time interpretation map
at the top of the considered layer and the time interpretation map at the top of the layer immediately above).
Operational applications Same as V0 + α × DT, introducing an additional V0map parameter. You may consider alpha to be relatively constant
for a considered layer, and V0 to be variable. Introducing a V0map with possible spatial variation, linked with
seismic information, enables to minimize well depth mismatches. For example, you can introduce a seismic V0 map
based on your available seismic velocity map.

V_{inst} = V0 + α \times (t-t_0)

DZ = \int_{t_0}^{t_0+DT} V_{inst}dt = \int_{t_0}^{t_0+DT} (V0+α \times (t-t_0)) \times dt

DZ = \left( V0 + ( α – 1) \times t_0 + \frac{α}{2} \times DT \right) \times DT

V_{int} = V0 + ( α – 1) \times t_0 + \frac{α}{2} \times DT